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Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
Zachary Olivos has connected.
DM: tell me when you are on map
Zachary Olivos: I can't load it
Zachary Olivos: te stendatem estate
Zachary Olivos: ok I'm on
Zachary Olivos: inspecter goodfellow
DM: can you see the room?
Zachary Olivos: yup
Zachary Olivos: and the wood
DM: it's a desk
Zachary Olivos: yup
DM: do you have your token?
Zachary Olivos: no
DM: ehh, no big deal
DM: can't impersonate anyhow
Zachary Olivos: remember how I can't do that
Zachary Olivos: yeah
DM: ok. to the campaign...
Zachary Olivos: ok
DM: You return from the ordos headquarters, to the only place you can think of: your office. You have been granted full licence to continue the investigation, but given the circumstances, that may no longer be the best course of action...
Zachary Olivos: Well... that...
Zachary Olivos: that could have gone better
DM: you hear a knock on the door...
Zachary Olivos: (Can I check to see who it is without opening the door
DM: you have a peephole. It appears to be a reporter. He has a camera on him.
Zachary Olivos: "Who is it?"
DM: also, when you talk use quotes
DM: cool
Zachary Olivos: (Yup)
reporter: The paper, inspecter. I wanted to ask some questions about the bombing.
Zachary Olivos: I roll a Sense Motive to see if he's lying
* Zachary Olivos rolls: 1d20 +0 => 14 + 0 = 14
DM: doesn't seem to be...
Zachary Olivos: I open the door cautiously
Zachary Olivos: "What paper are you from
Zachary Olivos: ?"
reporter: The urban daily, inspector.
Zachary Olivos: "Well..."
Zachary Olivos: "Come in quickly"
reporter: First things first, is it true you are on the case?
Zachary Olivos: "It is true I WAS on the case."
Zachary Olivos: "I'm not sure how much I can or should tell you."
reporter: Why not?
Zachary Olivos: "Well..."
Zachary Olivos: I start to pour a drink, but stop and set it aside without drinking.
Zachary Olivos: "There have been some... complications
Zachary Olivos: ."
reporter: Well, that's nothing the famous Mr. Goodfellow can't handle, for sure...
Zachary Olivos: "Ha. Yeah... I suppose so."
Zachary Olivos: "But 'Goodfellow' might not be the best man for this particular job."
Zachary Olivos: "Ordos knows how badly I bungled this one."
Zachary Olivos: "It's not unsalvageable, but.."
Zachary Olivos: "Well, they may want a better professional."
reporter: Like who?
Zachary Olivos: "I was with some capable people."
Zachary Olivos: "Some... VERY capable people."
Zachary Olivos: "Young, but good."
Zachary Olivos: "I don't know where they are, but I'm sure they are on the case."
Zachary Olivos: "By no means am I giving up though!"
Zachary Olivos: "You know Goodfellow never gives up on a case."
Zachary Olivos: "But this one feels... IS... a bit different."
reporter: How so?
Zachary Olivos: "I'd say you ask a lot of questions, but then I remember you are a reporter."
Zachary Olivos: "So let me ask YOU one."
Zachary Olivos: "did you hear anything about Ordos releasing anyone I was with?"
reporter: Yes. The Stendatem family were last seen returning to their manor. Why?
Zachary Olivos: "Because I may need some help on this one."
Zachary Olivos: "The fact is, this is the biggest case of my career."
Zachary Olivos: "And one way or the other, I think it may wind up being my last one."
reporter: Now that's a good story... I've got to get to the presses stat!
Zachary Olivos: "Hey, kid?"
reporter: Yeah?
Zachary Olivos: "Any story needs a good quote right?"
reporter: *perks head*
Zachary Olivos: "How's this one..."
Zachary Olivos: (what is the name of the demon I was involved with?"
Zachary Olivos: )
DM: the wishmaster
Zachary Olivos: "The Wishmaster better wish he faced a worse good than Goodfellow?"
Zachary Olivos: "You know what, never mind."
Zachary Olivos: "Just know that I'm going after the wishmaster. Publish that allright?"
reporter: got it!
Zachary Olivos: *mumbles to himself*"I used to be a lot better puns. What kind of detective can't even..."
Zachary Olivos: (Can I head over to the manner?)
DM: sure, but it's probably impolite to show up this late...
Zachary Olivos: I pace around my office, obviously a bit jumpy
Chris has connected.
Zachary Olivos: I pick up the glass I poured earlier and sniff it before tossing it out my window
DM: very green, very green
DM: Do we know where adam is?
Chris: no
DM: he isn't online...
Chris: at his job, i'm guessing
DM: he gets off at 7. That literally gives him an hour...
DM: ahh well. Nothing we can do about it. Let's not clutter up the transcript
Zachary Olivos: Ok he can come in later probably right?
DM: maybe. Can't be contacted right now
DM: I would say let's do somthing in the mean time, but Zac can barely see the map so...
Chris: yah...
Zachary Olivos: yeah I can't see your house at all
Zachary Olivos: or mine anymore since I looked away
Zachary Olivos: arghle
DM: lol
DM: you sure you don't just want to go back to looking over chris' sholder?
DM: 8:40...
Chris: AAaaaaaaaddaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm....
DM: Does anyone know his phone number?
Zachary Olivos: Hey, if you clear my office and let me look again I could do something?
DM: ?
Zachary Olivos: If you clear my office and redraw it
DM: cleared
Zachary Olivos: Ok
DM: great news,everyone!
Zachary Olivos: Oh?
Chris: he is HERE
Adam 2 has connected.
DM: The story continues the next morning around breakfast. Sextus has cooked some delicious Yak bacon...
Ignatius Stendatem: Mmm. yak bacon.
Chris: what.
Sextus: Forgive me for the haphazard meal, but I did not expect you two to be home yet, nevermind the inquisition...
Officer Septum: That's alright. Nobody expects me...
Constance Stendatem: I don't think anyone expected this...
Officer Septum: Well, life can be like that sometimes.
Officer Septum: But enough of dark topics. Tell me, how long have you two know each other?
Ignatius Stendatem: I met Sextus about 6 years ago when I was looking to hire a new butler.
Sextus: A generous offer, really.
Officer Septum: Indeed. How is it you have managed to afford such a nice place?
Ignatius Stendatem: I work as an administrator with the department overseeing new invention approvals.
Officer Septum: If I had known that paid so well, I might not have gone to the acedemy...
Ignatius Stendatem: Money isn't everything. The job is quite tedious.
Officer Septum: Really?
Ignatius Stendatem: Every day it's more of the same: some kid thinking he's made the best thing since sliced bread, and it just so happens to not be working at the moment.
Ignatius Stendatem: The red ink gets used a lot more than the green.
Officer Septum: I see.
Officer Septum: Do you plan on changing positions? You do have an oddly... prestigous position.
Ignatius Stendatem: Well, I am hoping to rise through the ranks, same as any.
Ignatius Stendatem: I'm not holding my breath, though.
Officer Septum: Well, according to what I could dig up on you, you are quite the climber.
Ignatius Stendatem: mm..
Officer Septum: One grant from a family friend, and you shoot up civil service. Not common for government work.
Officer Septum: What's your secret?
Ignatius Stendatem: Fiber.
Sextus: Good one, Sir!
Constance Stendatem: (watches, amused)
Ignatius Stendatem: A magician never reveals, right?
Officer Septum: I suppose so.
DM: just then, there is a knock on the door
Ignatius Stendatem: (looks at Sextus)
Sextus: On it.
Officer Septum: Is he a good butler? Does he work hard?
Ignatius Stendatem: He hasn't disappointed me yet.
DM: at the door is none other than mr goodfellow
DM: the token, please?
Tokens dropped onto map 'Stendatem estate' by player Adam 2 (Player)
Chris: gimme a sec...
Tokens dropped onto map 'Stendatem estate' by player Chris (Player)
Sextus: Yes?
Zachary Olivos: "Um... hello?"
Zachary Olivos: "Are Constance and Ignatius here?"
Sextus: They are having breakfast.
Zachary Olivos: "Oh."
Zachary Olivos: "Well..."
Zachary Olivos: "Could I wait inside?"
Sextus: It looks like you have somthing important to say. I think I could bring you to them now. Not a good conversation or meal anyhow...
Zachary Olivos: "If I'm intruding..."
Ignatius Stendatem: Who is it?
Sextus: I'm terribly sorry, your name?
Zachary Olivos: "...Robin Goodfellow"
Sextus: Tis a Robin goodfellow, Sir.
Officer Septum: robin...
Sextus: Shall I let him in?
Chris is disconnected.
Adam 2 is disconnected.
Zachary Olivos is disconnected.
Adam 2 has connected.
Chris has connected.
Zachary Olivos has connected.
Sextus: Shall I let him in?
Adam 2 is disconnected.
Chris is disconnected.
Zachary Olivos is disconnected.
Chris has connected.
Adam has connected.
Zachary Olivos has connected.
Sextus: this will be fun...
Sextus: quick, shallI let him in?
Ignatius Stendatem: Send him in.
Tokens dropped onto map 'Stendatem estate' by player Adam (Player)
DM: Goodfellow enters
Christopher has connected.
Zachary Olivos is disconnected.
Chris is disconnected.
Robin Goodfellow has connected.
DM: Goodfellow is in the room now
Adam is disconnected.
Christopher is disconnected.
Robin Goodfellow is disconnected.
Adam has connected.
Ignatius Stendatem: What are you doing here?
Christopher has connected.
Robin Goodfellow has connected.
Ignatius Stendatem: What are you doing here?
Robin Goodfellow is disconnected.
Adam is disconnected.
Christopher is disconnected.