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Server started; please wait for map to
Zachary Olivos has connected.
tell me when you are on map
Zachary Olivos:
I can't load it
Zachary Olivos:
te stendatem estate
Zachary Olivos:
ok I'm on
Zachary Olivos:
inspecter goodfellow
can you see the room?
Zachary Olivos:
and the wood
do you have your token?
can't impersonate anyhow
Zachary Olivos:
remember how I can't do that
ok. to the campaign...
You return from the ordos
headquarters, to the only place you can think of: your office. You
have been granted full licence to continue the investigation, but
given the circumstances, that may no longer be the best course of
Zachary Olivos:
Well... that...
Zachary Olivos:
that could have gone better
you hear a knock on the door...
Zachary Olivos:
(Can I check to see who it is without
opening the door
you have a peephole. It appears to be
a reporter. He has a camera on him.
Zachary Olivos:
"Who is it?"
also, when you talk use quotes
The paper, inspecter. I wanted to ask
some questions about the bombing.
Zachary Olivos:
I roll a Sense Motive to see if he's
* Zachary Olivos rolls: 1d20 +0 => 14 + 0 = 14
doesn't seem to be...
Zachary Olivos:
I open the door cautiously
Zachary Olivos:
"What paper are you from
The urban daily, inspector.
Zachary Olivos:
Zachary Olivos:
"Come in quickly"
First things first, is it true you are
on the case?
Zachary Olivos:
"It is true I WAS on the case."
Zachary Olivos:
"I'm not sure how much I can or should
tell you."
Why not?
Zachary Olivos:
Zachary Olivos:
I start to pour a drink, but stop and
set it aside without drinking.
Zachary Olivos:
"There have been some... complications
Well, that's nothing the famous Mr.
Goodfellow can't handle, for sure...
Zachary Olivos:
"Ha. Yeah... I suppose so."
Zachary Olivos:
"But 'Goodfellow' might not be the
best man for this particular job."
Zachary Olivos:
"Ordos knows how badly I bungled this
Zachary Olivos:
"It's not unsalvageable, but.."
Zachary Olivos:
"Well, they may want a better
Like who?
Zachary Olivos:
"I was with some capable people."
Zachary Olivos:
"Some... VERY capable people."
Zachary Olivos:
"Young, but good."
Zachary Olivos:
"I don't know where they are, but I'm
sure they are on the case."
Zachary Olivos:
"By no means am I giving up though!"
Zachary Olivos:
"You know Goodfellow never gives up on
a case."
Zachary Olivos:
"But this one feels... IS... a bit
How so?
Zachary Olivos:
"I'd say you ask a lot of questions,
but then I remember you are a reporter."
Zachary Olivos:
"So let me ask YOU one."
Zachary Olivos:
"did you hear anything about Ordos
releasing anyone I was with?"
Yes. The Stendatem family were last
seen returning to their manor. Why?
Zachary Olivos:
"Because I may need some help on this
Zachary Olivos:
"The fact is, this is the biggest case
of my career."
Zachary Olivos:
"And one way or the other, I think it
may wind up being my last one."
Now that's a good story... I've got to
get to the presses stat!
Zachary Olivos:
"Hey, kid?"
Zachary Olivos:
"Any story needs a good quote right?"
Zachary Olivos:
"How's this one..."
Zachary Olivos:
(what is the name of the demon I was
involved with?"
Zachary Olivos:
"The Wishmaster better wish he faced a
worse good than Goodfellow?"
Zachary Olivos:
"You know what, never mind."
Zachary Olivos:
"Just know that I'm going after the
wishmaster. Publish that allright?"
Zachary Olivos:
*mumbles to himself*"I used to be a
lot better puns. What kind of detective can't even..."
Zachary Olivos:
(Can I head over to the manner?)
sure, but it's probably impolite to
show up this late...
Zachary Olivos:
I pace around my office, obviously a
bit jumpy
Chris has connected.
Zachary Olivos:
I pick up the glass I poured earlier
and sniff it before tossing it out my window
very green, very green
Do we know where adam is?
at his job, i'm guessing
he gets off at 7. That literally gives
him an hour...
ahh well. Nothing we can do about it.
Let's not clutter up the transcript
Zachary Olivos:
Ok he can come in later probably right?
maybe. Can't be contacted right now
I would say let's do somthing in the
mean time, but Zac can barely see the map so...
Zachary Olivos:
yeah I can't see your house at all
Zachary Olivos:
or mine anymore since I looked away
you sure you don't just want to go
back to looking over chris' sholder?
Does anyone know his phone number?
Zachary Olivos:
Hey, if you clear my office and let me
look again I could do something?
Zachary Olivos:
If you clear my office and redraw it
Adam 2 has connected.
The story continues the next morning
around breakfast. Sextus has cooked some delicious Yak bacon...
Ignatius Stendatem:
Mmm. yak bacon.
Forgive me for the haphazard meal, but
I did not expect you two to be home yet, nevermind the
Officer Septum:
That's alright. Nobody expects me...
Constance Stendatem:
I don't think anyone expected this...
Officer Septum:
Well, life can be like that sometimes.
Officer Septum:
But enough of dark topics. Tell me,
how long have you two know each other?
Ignatius Stendatem:
I met Sextus about 6 years ago when I
was looking to hire a new butler.
A generous offer, really.
Officer Septum:
Indeed. How is it you have managed to
afford such a nice place?
Ignatius Stendatem:
I work as an administrator with the
department overseeing new invention approvals.
Officer Septum:
If I had known that paid so well, I
might not have gone to the acedemy...
Ignatius Stendatem:
Money isn't everything. The job is
quite tedious.
Officer Septum:
Ignatius Stendatem:
Every day it's more of the same: some
kid thinking he's made the best thing since sliced bread, and it
just so happens to not be working at the moment.
Ignatius Stendatem:
The red ink gets used a lot more than
the green.
Officer Septum:
I see.
Officer Septum:
Do you plan on changing positions? You
do have an oddly... prestigous position.
Ignatius Stendatem:
Well, I am hoping to rise through the
ranks, same as any.
Ignatius Stendatem:
I'm not holding my breath, though.
Officer Septum:
Well, according to what I could dig up
on you, you are quite the climber.
Ignatius Stendatem:
Officer Septum:
One grant from a family friend, and
you shoot up civil service. Not common for government work.
Officer Septum:
What's your secret?
Ignatius Stendatem:
Good one, Sir!
Constance Stendatem:
(watches, amused)
Ignatius Stendatem:
A magician never reveals, right?
Officer Septum:
I suppose so.
just then, there is a knock on the door
Ignatius Stendatem:
(looks at Sextus)
On it.
Officer Septum:
Is he a good butler? Does he work hard?
Ignatius Stendatem:
He hasn't disappointed me yet.
at the door is none other than mr
Tokens dropped onto map 'Stendatem estate' by player Adam 2 (Player)
Tokens dropped onto map 'Stendatem estate' by player Chris (Player)
Zachary Olivos:
"Um... hello?"
Zachary Olivos:
"Are Constance and Ignatius here?"
They are having breakfast.
Zachary Olivos:
Zachary Olivos:
"Could I wait inside?"
It looks like you have somthing
important to say. I think I could bring you to them now. Not a
good conversation or meal anyhow...
Zachary Olivos:
"If I'm intruding..."
Ignatius Stendatem:
Who is it?
I'm terribly sorry, your name?
Zachary Olivos:
"...Robin Goodfellow"
Tis a Robin goodfellow, Sir.
Officer Septum:
Shall I let him in?
Chris is disconnected.
Adam 2 is disconnected.
Zachary Olivos is disconnected.
Adam 2 has connected.
Chris has connected.
Zachary Olivos has connected.
Shall I let him in?
Adam 2 is disconnected.
Chris is disconnected.
Zachary Olivos is disconnected.
Chris has connected.
Adam has connected.
Zachary Olivos has connected.
this will be fun...
quick, shallI let him in?
Ignatius Stendatem:
Send him in.
Tokens dropped onto map 'Stendatem estate' by player Adam (Player)
Christopher has connected.
Zachary Olivos is disconnected.
Chris is disconnected.
Robin Goodfellow has connected.
Goodfellow is in the room now
Adam is disconnected.
Christopher is disconnected.
Robin Goodfellow is disconnected.
Adam has connected.
Ignatius Stendatem:
What are you doing here?
Christopher has connected.
Robin Goodfellow has connected.
Ignatius Stendatem:
What are you doing here?
Robin Goodfellow is disconnected.
Adam is disconnected.
Christopher is disconnected.